c. AR 200-3 addresses land management and maintenance. This regulation provides
guidelines for installation staff members having land management responsibilities (the
Directorate of Public Works [DPW], game management, range control, and the environmental
office). Land management regulations include guidelines for:
Endangered species.
Timber production.
Agriculture leasing.
Other land use purposes in the Army's or public's interest.
d. AR 200-4 addresses the Army's policy for managing cultural resources to meet legal
compliance requirements and supports the military mission. It provides guidance for the
treatment of cultural resources, including prehistoric sites, historic buildings and structures,
traditional cultural properties, and Native American sacred sites on Army-controlled properties.
e. AR 200-5 describes policies to protect health, property, and natural resources from
damage by insects, weeds, and other species in ways that promote training and readiness with
minimum risks to the environment.
2-7. Installation Environmental Regulations. Each installation has an environmental
regulation that combines all the environmental laws and regulations into a single set of
environmental guidelines. Installation environmental regulations tell how to comply with local,
state, federal, and HN environmental laws. Units base their environmental SOPs and
environmental training on the guidelines specified in installation environmental regulations.
2-8. Unit Standing Operating Procedures. Soldiers have the inherent professional and
personal responsibility to understand and support the Army's environmental program. Soldiers
Comply with the environmental requirements in unit and installation SOPs.
Maintain environmental awareness throughout daily activities.